Being intentional means being present and having a plan. Write down character traits, morals, and spiritual truths you have found significant in your own journey – what you find imperative to instill in others. Ask what God might have to say in the matter. Consider how these truths might be best demonstrated, or how they may be taught (or caught). Then do it!
Read MoreTuesday, October 13, 2020
Our legacies are much like investment accounts. Words and actions, even the small ones, become deposits for the future
Read MoreMonday, October 12, 2020
We all pass on a heritage to the next generation. Good and bad, we give and receive a bit of both. A positive legacy establishes a strong life foundation; a negative legacy can be generationally destructive
Read MoreSunday, October 11, 2020
If these scriptures were read intelligently, we should not so learn Christ, as to exclude any from a position, where they might exert an influence for good to their fellow-beings. The epistle to the Corinthian church, where the supposed apostolic prohibition of women’s preaching is found, contains express directions how woman shall appear, when she prayeth or prophesyeth.
Read MoreSaturday, October 10, 2020
I have slowly come to realize and accept that my spirituality is present and real for me even if it has not been in the form of major, dramatic life experiences. I have re-thought my concept of my own spirituality and have come to realize that I have had experiences that truly were spiritual
Read MoreFriday, October 9, 2020
As we partner with God in creating, we should embrace what gives God joy. Jeremiah’s compact teaching reminds us of what God delights in, and that we can share that delight. God finds joy in ‘steadfast love, justice, and righteousness,’ Jeremiah says, and we know that these values, along with a few similar words, appear all over the Bible
Read MoreThursday, October 8, 2020
Humans can create endlessly. This is a gift we share, being made in the image of God. And from the beginning, God intended that we should collaborate in the wonder of creation
Read MoreWednesday, October 7, 2020
The marvel of creation, even when our imaginations stay earthbound, can make us wonder about ourselves, about who we are, and how we fit into all of this. Such questions challenged us long before we first saw images from the Hubble space telescope. Ancient farmers and shepherds, astrologists, and philosophers marveled at the outstretched sky and puzzled over its meaning.
Read MoreTuesday, October 6, 2020
Instead of responding to loneliness, God’s abundant love overflows and pours itself out continually in making more creatures to embrace with love. And creation responds to God’s loving touch with joy
Read MoreMonday, October 5, 2020
God’s creative energy flows into and through all creatures, leading to even more creation. The Bible’s poets and singers wondered at it all and celebrated.
Read MoreSunday, October 4, 2020
And that mothers of children as well as fathers (as they have frequently the best opportunities) would take particular care to instruct them in the knowledge of religion and the Holy Scriptures; because it hath been found, by experience, that good impressions, made early on the tender minds of children, have proved lasting means of preserving them in a religious life and conversation.
Read MoreSaturday, October 3, 2020
The Life and Power of early Friends found in the Gospels is the same Life and Power that seeks to animate our words and witness. If we are to reach that Life, we must find a way to speak that is not only true to the Spirit that lives within us, but that invites others to find words that are true to the Spirit that lives in them
Read MoreFriday, October 2, 2020
Consider that God frequently uses real or apparent failure to build and enrich our lives. We sow the seed, and nothing seems to happen.
Read MoreThursday, October 1, 2020
Sometimes we forget to cry out to God when we are in danger or afraid
Read MoreWednesday, September 30, 2020
Haggard’s testimony blessed me. I became convinced that more of us should pray for our favorite celebrities and ‘listen a little closer’ to their cries for help, as Haggard suggests.
Read MoreTuesday, September 29, 2020
Nevertheless, in Psalm 90:12, we are told to number our days, our passing shadow days. The psalmist says: ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.’
Read MoreMonday, September 28, 2020
In my spiritual life also, I have lost my balance, crashed, and dealt with my share of bruises and scrapes. In every instance, I have found that Jesus is an expert and tender physician. He knows how to dress wounds, and his words bring encouragement to the wounded soul
Read MoreSunday, September 27, 2020
Therefore, my dear Friends, keep your watch everyone in your hearts continually, that you may not be betrayed from that pure life, that yields virtue unto your souls, and nourishes up unto eternal life
Read MoreSaturday, September 26, 2020
Mystery itself is what we know we don’t know. Sometimes, mystery is what we can’t know, given the limitations of this human plane. “Can you fathom the mysteries of God?” Job asks in the Bible
Read MoreFriday, September 25, 2020
The Hebrew word hesed (lovingkindness) is impossible to translate exactly into English. We have no equivalent. Words like lovingkindness, mercy, and steadfast love must all be incorporated to even come close to the depth of its meaning
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