Scripture: Psalm 8; Genesis 1:26–27
“The marvel of creation, even when our imaginations stay earthbound, can make us wonder about ourselves, about who we are, and how we fit into all of this. Such questions challenged us long before we first saw images from the Hubble space telescope. Ancient farmers and shepherds, astrologists, and philosophers marveled at the outstretched sky and puzzled over its meaning.” –Howard R. Macy, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do you remember to use the place and powers given to you with care and love?
I’ve been writing you songs
this whole long year.
That’s why I’m taking singing lessons—
to sing
to you.
I’ll wait though
until you can only hear
the love
and pass on
with it in your ear.
–Peg Edera, from “I’ve Been Writing You Songs” in Love Is Deeper Than Distance