Scripture: Matthew 6:5–15
“It is easy to read the Sermon on the Mount, and to respond that the world does not work this way or to say that this is what heaven will be like someday. But we live here now; the Lord’s prayer makes it impossible to delay kingdom living.” –Michael Jay, Fruit of the Vine
Query: How are you working for God’s will on earth?
Yesterday I was clasped hands—
your hard worn, chipped nail hand
in my well veined, heavy knuckled hand.
The wrapping of our years together,
the hollow space inside the clasping,
the green roomwe grew our daughter in.
Today I am open handed—
the cup of them a drinking place,
the valley of them
a place for butterflies to land and leave,
a departure hereand a safe return.
Today I am still,
the container inside unshakable,
the container outside moving.
I am a secret now—
what you see and what is,
so different.
I am waiting time.
I am the still point
inside the twinkling change.
–Peg Edera, Love Is Deeper Than Distance