Scripture: Matthew 6:5–15
“While Jesus started with ‘Our Father,’ he followed this with, ‘Your name is sacred.’ We start with the personal relationship, but we don’t forget that we are praying to the almighty God, creator of the universe, king of all creation.” –Michael Jay, Fruit of the Vine
Query: What is more awesome than a name that is so holy that you can only allude to it, but never speak it?
Water God
Seven years you have pounded my shore,
water God.
And I have sent your waves careening,
my rocks throw you in splitting spray
back to your ocean bed.
Today you court me again,
and my rock heart breaks in a thousand pebbles
at your touch,
and my shoreline opens to you unabashed,
waiting the onslaught of your love.
–Carol Bialock, Coral Castles