Scripture: Habakkuk 2:20
“The Lord is in his holy temple. Did you know that holy temple is you? This is one of the great spiritual migrations within Scripture and for us as Quakers—a migration from the brick and mortar temples to the temples of flesh and blood.” –Bob Henry, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Is anything preventing you from centering down and connecting with God?
This is the breath between the question and the answer
The breath between the bread and the wine
After the thanks has been given
Before the nourishment received
(Breathe the breath between)
Where else do you find this breath hiding?
How do you pick it up?
Breathe it in and let it go?
Can you name it?
Can you name this breath?
Call it here
Call it holy
Call it home
–Bethany Lee, from “The Breath Between” in The Breath Between