Scripture: John 17:6–26
“Intimacy in a relationship is not easy to accomplish. The deep knowing we share with another person is precious.” –Teresa Reynolds, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do you thirst for the living water Jesus says he will give?
Plea to an Elder
It seems that what you learned of gymnastics as a child is useful for old age. The years of standing on your head are bearing fruit, and you’re seeing the world right side up now. Backbends, it seems, have limbered you up for humility. Flip-flops have tumbled you into non-violence. Maybe making oneself into a pretzel is the only way to become food at the banquet table.
Please, teach me the gymnastics you’ve practiced all these years. I, too, want to be just God’s fool.
–Carol Bialock, Coral Castles