Scripture: Luke 2:46–49; Luke 4:14–16; Mark 6:30–33
“Resting is antithetical to the way we live. Overworked at times, we need or want to keep pushing to make things happen, rather than realizing our limits. Our work for that day or that hour needs to end.” –Ruthie Tippin, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do we recognize when work is done and the time for rest has come?
Magic Mountain
The last time I rode a roller coaster
I had just turned 50. I’m not sure
what made me get on, but somehow
I found myself belted in, gripping
the arm of my husband of some 25-plus
years, as we started the slow ascent.
Its name, “The Viper,” should have
made me think twice. I thought more
than twice on the way up. “I’m
sorry for everything,” I prayed, eyes
shut tight. “Please save me.” Poised
three seconds at the top, I forgot to breathe.
Breath and prayer became irrelevant
as we plummeted down, then up
and around and down again, trees and
buildings a blur, the death grip
on my loved one’s arm tightening.
But somewhere on that last curve,
seconds before we eased to the station,
I looked at him. He looked at me. We grinned.
The third time around I sang Psalms.
–Nancy Thomas, Close to the Ground