Scripture: John 11:1–7, 38–43
“Recently, a friend and I were struggling with the why and why not of seemingly unanswered prayers of many years. What good purposes might God have in continuing to leave some people in illness and pain while healing others?” –Charlett Smith, Fruit of the Vine
Query: How do you approach questions of suffering in your life and in the lives of people you love?
The wise one
doesn’t say much,
but when she does,
you want to hear.
The fool
can’t stop talking.
The wise one
has a Spirit of calmness.
is not strident,
confounded nor prideful.
She is both radiant
and earthly.
Seek her Source to
love your enemies,
remain calm in crisis,
walk with humility.
This way you will
live honorably,
store up eternal
–Jim Teeters, Because of This