Scripture: Ephesians 3:16–21
“The beauty of evergreen forests, waterfalls, green meadows, and being close to a wild elk herd was incredibly therapeutic and worshipful – a wow time of wonder that thrilled my soul.” –Charlett Smith, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do you have enough quiet in your life to listen for and notice God’s presence with you?
We lay down our seeds in the dark.
Spring has been exceptionally cold
this year. Reluctant daffodils
have done little to convince me.
But we do the work of the faithful
farmer, rising in the predawn hours.
It is a chosen hiddenness, a subtle
stretching over time, ear bent to listen
to the ground, ready for instruction.
Slow, rhythmic movements are best.
Sometimes we simply show up,
holding borrowed pain, applying tears
or not. With a gentle but demanding attention
to detail, we prepare the soil.
We plant. We wait.
–Nancy Thomas, from “Secret Sowers” in Close to the Ground