There is a dying before there is a living

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May 25, 2020

Robert Barclay preached in 1688 that “there is a dying before there is a living.” It is an arresting phrase, and maybe because Barclay Press is named for him, I’ve been thinking about what Barclay’s words might mean for Barclay Press.

Over the past few decades, Barclay Press has slowly been dying. We sold off the press, let go most of our staff, and reorganized as a tiny, independent publishing house. We have struggled in the transition from institutional press to independent book publisher, and we have faced chronic financial stress. But –

Barclay continues, “Every plant, seed or grain that is placed in the earth: it dies before it grows up. There is a dying before there is a living.” And I know that this is true. What Barclay Press has gone through is preparation for what it is becoming and for what it might yet be.

That “what” in the what we might yet be includes more work like our recently released titles.

  1. Palestine and Israel: A Personal Encounter is Max Carter’s account of what it was like to first find himself at a school for Palestinian children in Ramallah, as a conscientious objector who would return to the Middle East again and again over the years. (February 2020)
  2. In This Will Be a Sign, Jeffrey Johnson’s poems listen to the angels, they sing the doxologies, they pay loving attention to life. They are prayers. They will help you feel the power of life. They will teach you to pray. (March 2020)
  3. East Coast Quaker David Austin teamed up with Holocaust survivor Charles Middleberg to tell the story of Small Miracle. During World War II, Charles and his brother were saved – again and again – by a series of small miracles. Some of these miracles happened by chance, but most occurred because of the concern and care of people who simply decided to do what is right, at exactly the right moment, and at great risk to themselves. (April 2020)
  4. Poet and photographer Joann Renee Boswell invites us to travel with her into an encounter with the inconvenient complexities of earth-life and outer space, politics and religion, Bigfoot, feminism, Santa Claus, and spirituality – all tucked inside the Cosmic Pockets of life. (coming in June!)

Have you heard that Peggy Senger Morrison and Alivia Biko donated a vibrant watercolor painting from Melanie Weidner - to be auctioned off as a fund-raiser for Barclay Press? I've been living with this art for almost three weeks now, preparing it for the sale. It offers stark strength. It burns with fierce hope. It is beautiful and difficult. I believe that good art brings us to the edge of the abyss and forces us to look upon Truth. Melanie’s painting is a window (like a looking glass, maybe), and I know that the seeing is a gift that will stay with me long after the work has found a new home. Click here to see the piece. Twenty years ago, Melanie’s painting was valued at $800. Our highest current bid is $1,000. The online auction will continue through Friday, June 12.

Over the years, Barclay Press has worked to provide deep, honest, personal sharing of religious experience in daily Fruit of the Vine devotional reflections. Barclay Press has sought to facilitate this same kind of interpersonal sharing in face-to-face gatherings with our Illuminate Bible study series. And it has been our intention to do the same with the books that we publish.

Barclay Press depends on financial support of roughly $4,000 in donations each month. So far this year, we have received 135 individual donations and a total of $16,419 in gifts. Thank you to all of you who have already given generously. For anyone else reading this letter who wants to join us in the work of serving Friends through the publication of books, pamphlets, curriculum, and periodicals – here’s how you can join:

  • Make one-time or monthly donation to our everyday giving campaign – just click on DONATE at or mail us a check at 211 N Meridian St, #101, Newberg, Oregon 97132.
  • Talk to your church or monthly meeting about making support for Barclay Press a regular part of your budget.
  • Pray for Barclay Press and for the work that we do.

Thank you,
Eric Muhr


211 N. Meridian St. #101
Newberg, OR 97132
Copyright © 2020 Barclay Press, All rights reserved.

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