Etude for Belonging

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April 25, 2020

At the end of this email, I will invite you to put on headphones if you have them, or find a quiet place and take five minutes away from everything stressful. To listen. To be encouraged and strengthened. To rest. But first I want to tell you about Bethany Lee.

You might already know her!

Bethany is a regular contributor to Fruit of the Vine as well as an accomplished musician and poet-adventurer. She published The Breath Between in May 2019 with our imprint, Fernwood Press, and she is bringing out a second collection of poems, Etude for Belonging, under that same imprint in just under a year.

Barclay Press is a small nonprofit publishing house. Along with Illuminate and Fruit of the Vine quarterlies, we produce and distribute books in small quantities – books that might never bring in the kinds of sales it would take to interest a larger, for-profit press. Barclay Press can focus on the work of people like Bethany because the support of individual donors like you gives us the freedom to seek out uniquely beautiful collections with timeless messages of truth.

So far this year, we have received 111 financial gifts (28 percent more than last year) for a total of $14,227 (26 percent higher than this time last year). And every gift moves us forward in our mission as publishers of truth.  If you would like to help Barclay Press continue the work we do, you 
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Thank you for your generous support, and now, please put on headphones if you have them, or find a quiet place and take five minutes away from everything stressful. To listen. To be encouraged and strengthened. To rest. Scroll down for the embedded video from Bethany Lee!

Thank you,
Eric Muhr


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