Scripture: Psalm 146:5–9
“Drama’s creative process involves perseverance, problem-solving, team building, and especially empathy. Informal drama, like improvisation and role-playing, is more spontaneous and helps participants walk in another’s shoes, seeing through their eyes, learning through ‘experience’ without the scars.” –Darlene Graves, Fruit of the Vine
Query: We play many roles every day, so how can we do them with more care and wisdom as the body of Christ?
I perch, reclining recovery,
beside your second home—
stroke a finger down your spine
avoid tangles of tubing and wires.
caffeinated by your existence,
caterpillar cocooning in isolette,
I will you butterfly free—
find your third home
in my arms.
–Joann Renee Boswell, from “June” in Cosmic Pockets