Scripture: Philippians 4:8; Matthew 5:8; Matthew 8:5–13
“I chose the story of Jesus and the centurion because I believe the centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant out of pure love, faith, and compassion. He did not need the fanfare of all the people coming with Jesus or even having Jesus at his house. He did not need extraneous stuff to bring healing to his servant – just Jesus’ word.” –Deborah Climer, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Where have you experienced a pure heart?
Look around.
Every effort has love behind it or under it, beside it or in it.
The curiosity to pick up the one dark green stone,
that effort of curiosity is fueled by love,
the love of cool weight or sun-warmed weight, the love
of time and hardened earth, the love of the common thing.
The irises blooming their extravagant flouncy skirts
were planted intentionally.
That nesting in dirt a hope of love next year
spurred by the memory of love
in some other garden.
The fish caught in the late afternoon
under the changing, dipping sun
accompanied by flies and frogs,
the love of fish, the love of fresh, the love of skill,
the love of sharing and tasting,
the love of river and alone.
–Peg Edera, from “This World Is a Museum of Love” in Love Is Deeper Than Distance