Scripture: Colossians 1:21–29
“Because God is bigger than our understanding and because the world in which we live just doesn’t make sense sometimes, God’s call on our lives can feel like a mystery.” –Katharine E. Matchette, Fruit of the Vine
Query: What does it mean to you to be holy in God’s sight?
O gentle, good death, Francis and the monks
knew where you lived and what you smelled like,
and how it felt to touch you and sit with you
in the bloom of their lives.
That was their burden and their blessing.
The tomb in the garden is silent and empty now,
and all that remains on Zion, and in the arks
and sanctuaries, are whiffs twisting toward Jordan,
to the Salt Sea, and out to the Mediterranean.
The green mother opens her arms to all of us.
So come, Lord Jesus, lead us home to her,
your stepmother, in whom you rested peaceful
and still, free of the ages and the aches thereof.
–Jeffrey Johnson, This Will Be a Sign