Scripture: Hebrews 12:1–3
“In the midst of unjust suffering, my heart broke open, and I was again reminded that the call upon God’s people, then as well as today, is to be like God who reaches out and touches those who suffer—to be a community who bears one another’s burdens, to be a community who walks with one another through difficult times, through suffering” –Pam Ferguson, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do you make God’s love visible to those around you?
A central truth
in the Kingdom—
the greatest is the one
who serves.
Like a sea,
the streams pour into it.
Its greatness
comes from its low position.
When we bow,
offer friendship,
nurture the little ones,
welcome the stranger—
when we serve others,
we become great
in the Kingdom.
–Jim Teeters, Because of This