Scripture: Psalm 104:1–9
“The roar of the ocean, the gentle yet insistent crash of frothy waves, and the stars above have, on numerous occasions, made me feel like I had entered another world. It seems to me that the grand mystery of the ocean is an illustration for the grand mystery of God.” –Mark Almquist-Murray, Fruit of the Vine
Query: When have you experienced the mystery and beauty of God’s creation?
Easter Morning
Vested clergy, their souls engorged
by millennia of annual hunts
for an elusive Lord Christ, lead shuffles
of caffeinated seekers across parking lots.
Their parades track alleluias
and scatter astonishments over chilled
pavement and past sheds, still mum
from the night before.
Their processions spread praises
near dumfounded dumpsters below
crane-neck lights blinking and dozing.
Softened by therapy of the sun, soil
beside the asphalt waits for seeds
to be pressed in, and for root-ball offerings
to be presented from the knees,
to the altar of the earth, prepared today,
as on no other, for growth of mystery
–Jeffrey Johnson, This Will Be a Sign