Scripture: Mark 4:26–29
“The plant grows by receiving that which God has provided to sustain its life: sunshine, dew, rain, and life-giving properties from the air and soil. So we grow in Christian experience by using the “means of grace” God has provided: taking deep root in Christ’s love for us; opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit; worship, prayer, singing, service, and fellowship.” –Fruit of the Vine
Query: How does spiritual fruit benefit you, others, and God’s work on the earth?
To breathe in,
one must first breathe out.
To release pain,
one must first accept it.
To hold onto something,
one must first let it go.
An eternal truth:
soft and vulnerable overcome
rigid and proud.
A true leader’s strength
is not clever words or actions
but deep, still waters
of the Spirit within.
–Jim Teeters, Because of This