Scripture: Philippians 2:1–11
“Consideration of the other – their needs, feelings, and struggles – shapes our decisions, and we often find it to be mutually beneficial. That’s how communities operate in a healthy way. It really is a beautiful thing when it happens. Where arrogance and self-centeredness destroy community, humble thoughtfulness toward others builds it.” –Paul Almquist, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Are you careful to avoid practicing false humility?
The Beatitudes
That map of happiness you gave me
is the wedding bouquet I tossed a bit carelessly
the day after the nuptials.
I take it now,
all eight blossoms.
They’re blossoming in my heart:
the meek, the merciful,
the hungry, the mourners,
the peaceful, the pure,
the persecuted
after 50 years,
I am the happy, blessed one.
–Carol Bialock, Coral Castles