Scripture: John 4:1–41
“Surprisingly, the woman expresses to Jesus that she knows the Messiah is coming. Jesus said ‘I who speak to you am he.’ Through the most unlikely person it seems as though her whole Samaritan community came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.” –Gordon Crisman, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Have you seen people come to Christ because of the testimony of someone you consider an unlikely messenger?
The Admirer
I admire the singer of songs
and the chanter of voices,
and I admire the listener
whose heart keeps rhythm.
And I admire the holder of the brush
whose stroke on the canvas is sure
and I admire the awed beholder
who knows how to praise.
And most of all I admire the holy ones,
those who have been supple under a sure hand
and done a work greater than themselves.
–Carol Bialock, Coral Castles