Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
“As I prayed, God reminded me that I was doing just as I ought. Praying with and for our existing families teaches reliance on God and deepens our faith. It quells our doubts and enables communion with God and one another. The Spirit is among us in a palpable way when we pray.” –Flo Harvey, Fruit of the Vine
Query: Do you pray for and with your family?
Stop, look inward.
Be aware by becoming still.
Notice your thoughts.
They are seeds.
Plant with care.
This may be difficult
because we want to
progress quickly,
but even the longest journey
starts with
a single movement.
A tower rises from
a single brick.
Just be.
Don’t worry about failure or success.
Step by step,
life emerges.
–Jim Teeters, Because of This