This Day with Kathi Perry

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Monday, November 30, 2020

I believe you care about the worldwide fellowship of Friends and our historic work as “publishers of truth” to wait faithfully, to speak prophetically, to work for justice and peace. At this moment, as the world continues to deal with a global health crisis, an economic crisis, and rampant injustice, Barclay Press will be joining others tomorrow, on Giving Tuesday, December 1, to show what can be accomplished when we work together. Because together, we can make a difference. —Eric Muhr


“There is a beautiful phrase in Galatians 2:9. Paul and Barnabas went out among the gentiles, and the church at Jerusalem was unsure about what that meant for them. But the passage says that when Paul and Barnabas returned, they offered to them ‘the right hand of friendship.’ And all around the world today there are people still doing this, holding out their hands to others – offering the right hand of friendship, inviting them to a seat at the table.” —Kathi Perry, excerpted from Fruit of the Vine

“The burden is light, we are told. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. I miss the days when just leaving the house didn’t require masks and hand sanitizer and a check to see if my destination has been deemed essential enough to be open. But in all this uncertainty, we can remember we are God’s children, protected and cherished. ‘If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.’ Our task is ultimately simple: to look for love that reflects God’s love for the Son and for us.” —Martin Kelley, excerpted from the Illuminate study of 1 John 4:1–16; 5:13–21.


Give Up

Give up the stressful pursuit,
abandon the furrowed brow,
learn that at the round table of the world
the sacred is the bread you break and share now.

Carol Bialock, Coral Castles


I’m so grateful for you. Through your generosity, you helped us publish and distribute Illuminate, the only periodical Bible study guide by Quakers and for Quakers, to nearly one thousand individuals in more than two hundred Friends churches, meetings, and small groups this past year. Without you, we simply would not have reached as many Friends during this difficult time. To support and sustain this work, we need your help to raise $25,000 between now and the end of this year. In addition, our goal for this next year is for forty supporters to make recurring monthly donations of $25 or more each month. Click here (or on the DONATE button below) to show your support.

Eric Muhr


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Newberg, OR 97132
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