March 11, 2019
We have just one week left in the fund-raising push to raise $3,000 for the ministry of Barclay Press. Four private donors offered to match that amount, effectively doubling the total raised, and as of this morning, twenty donors have given $1,782, putting us within $1,218 of our goal. We have until next Monday – a week from today – to raise that $1,218.
If you can join in supporting the continuing work of Barclay Press, now is the time to make a one-time or monthly donation. Just click on DONATE at, or mail a check to Barclay Press, 211 N Meridian St #101, Newberg OR 97132.
In this morning’s Fruit of the Vine, Doc Arnett recounts a story from a fishing trip with his son on the Eleven Point River in southern Missouri. “My son Daniel and I saw a boat of other fishermen catching one trout after another. . . . As we paddled by, Dan called out, ‘Hey, guys, looks like y’all are really hauling them in! Would you mind telling me what you’re using for bait?’”
To Doc’s surprise, the men answered Dan’s question. “The guide knew that there were thousands of trout in the river. . . . [Similarly], God’s storehouse is far greater than a single river in the Ozarks, [and] God’s love for us is far greater than the hospitality of an experienced fisherman.”
I’ve been thinking about Doc’s story in light of our needs at Barclay Press, not to mention all the need that exists in my neighborhood and in the world. And I’m praying that God will keep reminding me to trust in God’s love, knowing that it often shows up through the generosity (and hospitality) of friends and strangers.
Doc offers his own prayer at the end of his reflection: “Thank you, Lord, for the love and grace that you continually show us in supplying all of our needs.”
Eric Muhr