July 16, 2018
I wrote my very first issue of Long Story Short and sent it out on Monday, January 4, 2016. It was my first official day on the job as the new publisher at Barclay Press. In the thirty months and twelve days since, we’ve published ten Fruit of the Vine quarterlies, we’ve completed two revisions of our Illuminate Bible study curriculum, and we’ve released nine new Barclay Press titles:
- Face to Face: Early Quaker Encounters with the Bible by T. Vail Palmer, Jr.
- Close to the Ground: A Collection of Poems by Nancy Thomas
- Praying for Justice by R. Anderson Campbell & Steve Sherwood with Paula J. Hampton
- Rhythms of Grace: Life-Saving Disciplines for Spiritual Leaders by David O. Williams
- Presence and Process: A Path Toward Transformative Faith and Inclusive Community by Daniel P. Coleman
- A Long Road: How Quakers Made Sense of God and the Bible by T. Vail Palmer, Jr.
- Because of This: How to Live, Love, and Lead by Jim Teeters
- The Shalom of God by Howard R. Macy
- Going the Extra Mile: Adventures with God in Seventy-Five Countries by Norval Hadley
Two weeks ago, we received a donation to help cover the subscription cost for anyone who would like to try Fruit of the Vine. If you don’t already subscribe to Fruit of the Vine and would like to try it out, respond to this email, and I’ll get you started with a free, twelve-month, print or electronic subscription.
Seeds of hope – the three-year campaign to fund the ministry of Barclay Press by developing new titles, supporting small churches, and balancing the budget – has a goal of raising $162,000 by December 31, 2020. In order to stay on target, we need to get to $34,859 by August 1, 2018. As of this morning, we have raised $29,670 in gifts and pledges.
Eric Muhr