In this morning’s Fruit of the Vine, Ron Woodward focuses our attention on Paul’s selection of Timothy “as a member of his itinerant team of gospel proclaimers.” Ron points out that Paul’s message for Timothy (1 Timothy 4:12-16) is a message for us: “As you continue to learn while serving, be an example of what it means to live a consistent Christian life.”
That word – are you consistent? – introduces a question of integrity. It is also a question of perseverance. As you move along this journey of life, how is it going? And how are you going?
But Ron wants us to consider another question as well: Are you willing to go?
As a twenty-one-year-old seminary student, Ron received a phone call from Dean McNichols at Bell Friends Church, asking “if I would consider being a part-time youth director.” Ron had no experience, and he would be following in the footsteps of “much-loved C. Peter Wagner, then a student at Fuller, and later the author of a number of popular books on church growth.”
In spite of all this, Ron said yes, and his three years in service at Bell Friends were “an experience of learning while serving.”
Have you said yes? How’s it going?
Eric Muhr