Today, we are moving This Day over to a weekly email
Read MoreMonday, November 2, 2020
God created birds, and we know that God called this effort very good. Anyone looking at birds, even superficially, sees a huge variety in size, shape, color, vocalization, general habits, and the care of young. In other words, God is creative beyond our comprehension.
Read MoreSunday, November 1, 2020
When you saw the flowing eyes, the heaving breast, or the bleeding sides and tortured limbs of your fellow-creatures. Was you a stone or a brute? . . . Then will the great God deal with you, as you have dealt with them, and require all their blood at your hands.
Read MoreSaturday, October 31, 2020
If we are to structure an economic system that not only works, but works for the benefit of all, and if we are to meet human needs without ruining the planet and all of life, we must recover a sense of moral vision in economic affairs.
Read MoreFriday, October 30, 2020
Yes, boldness in word and life is great, but so is quiet strength. It’s a sort of patient optimism.
Read MoreThursday, October 29, 2020
Kindness is a quality of toughness. And the only way to be consistently kind is to be shaped by the Spirit of God. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit after all! It is how God works in our lives to bring about change.
Read MoreWednesday, October 28, 2020
Bonds of friendship are built on loyalty that stands the test of time. When someone is disloyal, things can break down in a hurry
Read MoreTuesday, October 27, 2020
Consideration of the other – their needs, feelings, and struggles – shapes our decisions, and we often find it to be mutually beneficial. That’s how communities operate in a healthy way. It really is a beautiful thing when it happens. Where arrogance and self-centeredness destroy community, humble thoughtfulness toward others builds it.
Read MoreMonday, October 26, 2020
Being truthful, however, doesn’t always mean saying everything that is true. Mercy may tell us to keep our mouth shut when something true but hurtful doesn’t need to be said. Silence, at times, really can be golden
Read MoreSunday, October 25, 2020
We believe that the one essential qualification for the office of a minister is the anointing of the Holy Spirit; and that this anointing is poured out without respect of persons upon men and women, upon old and young, upon learned and unlearned. The gift is, we believe, a purely spiritual one, as much beyond our control as the rain from heaven; yet as unfailing, as abundant, as necessary to fertility.
Read MoreSaturday, October 24, 2020
Many before us have found their way to this experience of the Light, and it is as available now as it was in Fox’s time. We can’t afford to stop short of this experience of the Spirit. If we have not had such experience, or have had only vague intimations of it, we must be patient and wait in openness until it comes.
Read MoreFriday, October 23, 2020
In spite being surrounded by people, Jesus looked for the person with intention, sees her, and says, ‘Your faith has made you well.’
Read MoreThursday, October 22, 2020
Which person in the story do you identify with? If I’m honest, I have to admit I’m more like Simon, but I also know the depth of my need for Jesus’ mercy and grace
Read MoreWednesday, October 21, 2020
Only one, a Samaritan, came back to personally thank Jesus, and he didn’t just walk up to Jesus and shake his hand. The text says that he threw himself at Jesus’ feet. I’m sure all ten were thankful, but only one was faithful as well
Read MoreTuesday, October 20, 2020
Surprisingly, the woman expresses to Jesus that she knows the Messiah is coming. Jesus said ‘I who speak to you am he.’ Through the most unlikely person it seems as though her whole Samaritan community came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah
Read MoreMonday, October 19, 2020
While Jesus never hesitated to interact with the sick, the disabled, the outcast, and folks different from [him] ... I usually do. Do you? We are not called to rush into dangerous situations, but we are called to bring the saving grace of Jesus to everyone
Read MoreSunday, October 18, 2020
Having finished so many testimonies as my time would give me leave, in favour of this subject, No Cross, No Crown; no temperance, no happiness; no virtue, no reward: no mortification, no glorification
Read MoreSaturday, October 17, 2020
Often we can discern a pattern in her counsel: to keep low, to wait, to mind the Light, to see, to be faithful and obedient. Such obedience, however, even when costly, is not in the end a grim task. It leads to peace, joy, and unity with God and with others. It is the road to spiritual freedom
Read MoreFriday, October 16, 2020
Stories and testimonies are a profound part of spiritual legacy too. They are a reminder of where we have been and where we are now because of God
Read MoreThursday, October 15, 2020
As I prayed, God reminded me that I was doing just as I ought. Praying with and for our existing families teaches reliance on God and deepens our faith. It quells our doubts and enables communion with God and one another. The Spirit is among us in a palpable way when we pray.
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